"Thank you XX for supporting JXXX and I to attend training in trauma informed practice. It was rich in depth and breadth! We have so much resources and developed workshops that JXXX and I when required to deliver workshops and capacity build the adults we will find it easy. Karen your generosity to share all your hard work is magnificent!!!! Thank you for everything. You are a super hero in my eyes as you have helped many." School Psycholohist Darwin May 2019
"I Just wanted to say thank you again for the workshop and materials over the past two days. I have learnt a great deal not only building on my knowledge of complex trauma but how we can pass this information on within the prison." Psychologist, Prison Perth March 2019
"Thank you doesn't quite cover it ! I really appreciate all your hard work and sharing of your wisdom and lifes work. You are an amazing presenter and the group was fabulous. My mind is doing backward flips." Lecturer Murdoch University February 2019
"It was so awesome doing your training this week. So many "aha" moments for my own journey. I dropped into work after training on Wednesday & mentioned to RXXX about doing all your trainings as well as the train the trainer. He asked if that is something I'd like to do. Im really keen to do what you are doing & would love to chat to you when you have some time to discuss the two year plan. Super inspired." Mental Health Peer Support Worker, November 2018
"Thank you for this reminder and the resources which I don't dare start looking at right now! I'm currently writing a paper for my MSW and I've been using a lot of the resources you provided in the Train the Trainer course and these new ones might just take me down a very interesting but probably not helpful rabbit trail. Just wanting to share that your consolidation of materials and sourcing has already proved invaluable and very practical." Social Worker, September 2018
"Thanks again for the training last week, I always thoroughly enjoy them!!", Child Advocate, Womens Refuge April 2018
"thank you and I must say I totally enjoyed all 3 of your workshops , your style is similar to mine, Yarning is the best way :-) hope to see you again in the future xx" NGO Manager, April 2018
"Thank you for providing such wonderful training. I am looking into attending your train the trainer later in the year. You gave me such inspiration and knowledge, which I have already used in work and for a friend. Love walking out of a training feeling energised." March 2018
"I really enjoyed this. I can’t express enough how important these sessions are on trauma. I think there should be more. I thought Karen was fantastic and at times entertaining with her stories. I found myself laughing at times to her stories as I could relate to teenagers in XXX. I would love to go to other seminars that she does. Big thumbs up to her". "Karen did a great job in talking at everyone level and having open discussions. Also, very respectable to everyone’s views and interpretation on issues." Aboriginal Youth Workers February, 2018.
"Hi Karen
I would like to thank you for the opportunity to participate in your workshop. You did an absolutely wonderful job! I have great respect for your knowledge and passion, I am in complete awe of your depth of this. I believe these attributes contributed to keeping your audience interested and AWAKE! Some workshops put you too sleep as they are boring and or presenter does not show enthusiasm or passion on what they are delivering. Majority of workshops I have been too, have felt like they are scripted. Whilst I dont have a big bank of words I have a strong gut instinct and Listening to your presentation has helped me highlight this. I can now go back to your presentation if I ever felt my gut feelings aren't justified or questioned." Aboriginal Health Worker November 2017
"Hi Karen,
I attended the Train the Trainer last week in Adelaide and I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed this experience. As someone who has not delivered very much training, the thought of doing it was completely daunting. I so admired your style and way of delivering your obviously immense knowledge of complex trauma. You have made quite the impact on me and I felt so much more comfortable within myself when thinking about delivering training. So thank you thank you thank you J The USB resources and training packages that you shared are amazing and will inform some of our training that we offer to our Foster Carers and other Support Workers." Supporter of Foster Carers. SA November 2017
"Hi Karen We have attended many of your courses and have found them extremely useful." Child Care Educator October 2017
"Thank you very much Karen,
Just a little note to let you know how well you are respected out there in the education community.
I work with schools particularly with those who have children with special needs or who have extreme challenging behaviour. There is often underlying trauma and I always refer schools to your training if they need more than what I can share. Everybody loves your training!" Private Psychologist October 2017
"Thank you for delivering the training today. I was just emailing to say how much I enjoyed your workshop.
It definitely gave me more insight into why people are the way they are & and that there are under lying layers to what we see in our usual “upset/unwell” clients." Drug & Alcohol Worker September 2017.
"Hi Karen. Just wanted to say thank you – it has been a while since I have attended training that has my head buzzing!"
- Youth Worker, Hurt People Training July 2017
"Thanks so much for this. I really enjoyed meeting you and found the information in this workshop incredibly important. Hope to attend more of these in the future"
- Womens Refuge Worker, April 2017
"Thank you for the training, I thoroughly enjoyed it and got so much out of it, I wished it could have gone on for another day! I delivered Understanding Behaviour and Support Strategies this week to a group of caseworkers and carers. It went quite well, we did run out of time to get through everything but otherwise not bad for my first attempt…."
- Train the Trainer participant Byron Bay, April 2017
“I can honestly say this is the best training I have attended in my 5 years of case management and countless training workshops. It has changed the way I perceive behaviour in terms of past trauma for the clients I work with, those in my personal life and people in general (e.g. the people you see on news committing unthinkable crimes). Karen has a deep knowledge of this topic and delivered it in way that was thought-provoking ; discussing interesting anecdotes to make the content highly engaging. I really liked her references to the biological/physical determinants of behaviour, which was explained in a way that was easy to understand and supplemented with examples from past experiences of working with people with a history of trauma. I appreciated that the training was not dumbed-down, respecting the intelligence and experiences of those in the room. I think training of this nature can sometimes come across superficial and abstract, but this one was presented as very real and practical.
Karen’s passion for educating people about trauma and resilience was evident and her energy lasted the whole day which too kept me motivated. I thoroughly enjoyed this training which has only left me wanting to know more and more!”
- Case Manager Adult Program, Perth 2016
"Thanks you so much for the training on Friday. I hope you had a restful and relaxing weekend. As always the content and your delivery was spot on. The feedback has been so positive. We really appreciate your knowledge and guidance and feel lucky to have you as part of the team." - Manager NGO Perth, 2016
"I just wanted to thank you and XX for providing me with the opportunity to attend Karen’s recent workshops in Broome i.e. “When Lost Gets Lost” and “Train the Trainer”. I found both extremely informative, well presented and would highly recommend for all FC staff, particularly Train the Trainer which I personally found empowering, building my confidence in presenting information to others in the future. The content of this workshop is also built upon childhood Trauma which is extremely relevant to our industry. I feel When Lost gets Lost would be a great educational tool for our carers as it provides a clear insight into complex and unresolved Trauma and the compounding effects of losing a significant other for a traumatised young person."
- Foster Care Co-Ordinator Kimberley WA, 2016
"If you haven’t been to a Karen hulls training I recommend you go, she is amazing, so much knowledge and the way she presents is just so don’t to earth and ear catching- you will want to hear everything she says.I have done both these courses and can’t recommend enough. I have sent many educators and carers to these courses and both have come back with more confidence and understanding how to relate to the children who have or are going through trauma." (Child Care Co-Ordinator, WA 2016)
"Thank you very much for once again, another amazing training experience. As I mentioned on the day, being at your training sessions instil in me a lot of hope because each cohort you train send out into the sector more trauma informed and empathic workers."
Youth Worker, Perth 2016
"Thank you for a great workshop.Everything I have learn't in the past two years both practical (at school) and at various training days begins to make sense. The information about Nuro-science, and being able to see the way kids act because of trauma has given me a confidence to help my students recover that I didn't have before.I love the term "Unconditional positive regard".I have always tried to trust and belive the best in all the people I try to help and this terminology expains it perfectly for me.I have renewed confidence to deal with the hardest cases.
- Chaplain WA 2016
â€"Thanks again Karen for a really useful workshop. Looking forward to the next workshop on trauma!"
- School Psychologist, Pilbara 2016
"For me, this training has reinforced the value of being "Trauma Informed, including recognising indicators, triggers and behaviours, understanding the impact of trauma across all developmental domains, and exploring strategies to effectively work with clients of all ages who have experienced trauma. I think you are an exceptional teacher who has done this topic the justice it deserves, thankyou so much for your delivery."
- Child Care Worker, Perth 2015
"Hi Karen Just wanted to thank you for our fantastic trauma training in Darwin. Today I got to use lots of techniques when talking to a grandma about her boy. Thanks so much for providing me with the language to use. Even know I know lots of the theory you still need the skills to get the message through to the beautiful carers we work with..."
- Counsellor, Darwin 2015
"Just wanted to say again that, your training was awesome!!!! I have been thinking a lot about the W.I.T.B. training and where to from here with the information you have presented..." (Aboriginal Health Worker, Kimberley WA, 2015)
"I just wanted to say how very thankful I am for the workshop Hurt people, hurt people, yesterday. It was fantastic! As I am at work today and see my clients, I am already remembering things I learnt yesterday and applying what I can to each individual case. Inspired and energised are an understatement!" (School Chaplain, 2015)
"Thank you so much for your training workshop today it was fantastic! I can't wait to start implementing some of the techniques."
- Social Worker, 2015
"Thanks Karen!
Meant to let you know how much i enjoyed the training What’s in the Box in December.......... Always sooooo nice to be inspired
- FDV Counsellor, 2015
"Just wanted to thank you for a wonderful workshop last week, it was great! Just the 'shot in the arm' I needed after a long year. I loved the way you presented, so naturally and you didn't use a whole lot of jargon which was refreshing! You also were happy to share your stories which we loved to hear, it always makes the content so much more relevant."
- Children's Counsellor, 2014
"I'd just like to say that your session has really made me think a lot & was actually up most of last night trying to work out how to implement it to help my kids recover." "So, Thank you for opening my eyes & making me more aware of what the kids are going through. The brain stuff was very interesting (not that I remember the medical words!) Keep up the good work!"
- Relative Foster Carer, 2014)
"Thanks for the really eye-opening and thought-provoking PD last week. I haven't stopped thinking about it and spouting parts of it to all who will listen! Thankfully I am also remembering the mindfulness so I can relax sometimes. I know it is very early days, only one and a bit, but my boy is responding to the new extra calm, quiet, smiling, approving me. He did some maths for me yesterday! I have DOTT now so we'll see how he is with the other teacher."
- Teacher, 2014